
Spreadable Media May Update

Word about Spreadable Media continues to…spread:

Sam Ford speaking at Planning-ness conference. Photo by Keith Burtis, Carbonview Research.

  • Sam Ford recently spoke at the Planning-ness conference in Massachusetts, asking, “How Does Content Really Spread?” Also, see this Slideshare of Sam’s presentation.
  • Henry Jenkins was recently a guest on the PBS MediaShift Mediatwits podcast with Mark GlaserMonica Guzman, and Andrew Lih, talking about “how media spreads and why.”
  • Sam Ford also recently spoke about the book project at the Berkeley Center for New Media at the University of California-Berkeley.
  •’s Kendra Mack writes that Spreadable Media is worth reading as a corrective because “contemporary Web 2.0 rhetoric focuses so heavily on how we share media, that it overlooks something even more important–why we share.”
  • In his “Digital Bookshelf” post on USC’s 21st Century Scholar blog, Dr. Randy Clemens, Assistant Professor of Administrative and Instructional Leadership at St. John’s University, writes of Spreadable Media: “There is a glut of new writing about media that varies widely in terms of scholarly rigor. Start with this book.”
  • The genConnect team recently published a post about their South by Southwest interview with all three Spreadable Media authors.
  • In his recent Flow piece, Aymar Jean Christian references Spreadable Media and a range of other books that catalogue the state of how the logics of the media industries are evolving, in an essay looking at the balance between new models for media production and circulation from media conglomerates, alongside projects from independent producers.
  • Michael Franklin, at his Film Business Research site, includes Spreadable Media on his list of “Inspiring Work: The Stuff that’s Actually Really Good”. Franklin also further considers the book’s look at the complicated issues surrounding “privacy” and “fair use” that often get blurred in copyright discussions.
  • The latest Amazon review for Spreadable Media comes from Wilson Triviño.
  • At C4E Trends, Francisco Pereze Latre provides a take on Sam Ford’s recent Harvard Business Review piece related to the book (in Spanish).
  • Also, see recent posts on the book from USC graduate students at the “Multiplier” blog, here and here.