Monday, August 4, 2014 9:00

In March, the message of Spreadable Media spread to a new realm, when the book made its debut in Swedish! Published in Swedish by Daidalos, the book bears the title Spridbar Media: Atta Skapa Värde och Mening i en Nätverkad Kultur. Thanks to the hard work of Joel Nordqvist in translating the work!
Monday, February 17, 2014 9:48
Meanwhile, Editora Aleph will publish the Portuguese version of Spreadable Media next month. And more to come soon about plans for the book in other languages as well.
Monday, December 30, 2013 1:05
Now that Spreadable Media is out in Italian and soon to be released in Portuguese, here is a glimpse at the book’s European “preview” last year. In Summer 2012, before Spreadable Media was released, co-author Henry Jenkins went on a speaking tour in Europe, where he talked about the book across a range of countries. Here are some of those talks, available online, as well as other key interviews, etc.:
- Henry spoke at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, in an event organized by Sorbonne Nouvelle-Universite Paris 3 and supported by Orange’s Transmedia Lab. His talk was on “Engagement, Participation, Play: The Value and Meaning of Transmedia Audiences”. After the event, Henry also did an interview (in Italian) with Adele Savarese at Ninja Marketing about spreadability, participatory culture, and transmedia storytelling.
- He was a keynote for the Fundación Telefónica Transmedia Living Lab, delivering a talk entitled “‘Occupying’ the Transmedia Landscape: Spreadable Media, Fan Activism, and Participatory Learning” as part of various speaking engagements in Madrid.
- Henry was the keynote speaker for the Center for Storytelling in Lucerne, Switzerland, discussing “How Content Gains Meaning and Value in the Era of Spreadable Media.”
- He also spoke on this subject at the Institute of International and European Affairs in Dublin, Ireland. While in town, he talked about issues related to the book with Irish radio station RTÉ (here and here.)
- Also, see Henry’s talk on similar issues at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Listen to the audio here, and find video here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
- He keynoted a symposium in Prague entitled “Transmedia Generation: On Empowered and Impassioned Audiences in the Age of Media Convergence.” Find his talk here. In addition, he joined a panel to discuss political and educational implications of his work, available via video here.
- Henry also talked on this subject with a group of professional journalists in Lisbon through a masterclass organized by the Centro Protocolar de Formação Profissional para Journalistas (CENJOR), in conjunction with the U.S. Embassy in Portugal.
- He spoke about Spreadable Media in London as part of the “Digital Transformations” series. The last part of his talk and the Q&A is available here.
- In Stuttgart, Henry conducted a lecture as part of 5D’s transmedia storytelling track at the FMX 2012 conference. In addition, Henry joined production designer Alex McDowell, director Shekhar Kapur, and moderator Inga von Staden to talk “The Future of Storytelling in Transmedia” in a session that was recorded. Also, during Henry’s time in Germany, he talked with Transmedia Storytelling Berlin about “transmedia storytelling around the world.”
- Henry talked with TheNextTV Channel in Rome about his research (here and here) while in town for a “Talking IED” event about “the transmedia generation” with the Istituto Europeo di Design.
Monday, January 21, 2013 5:14

Today marks the anticipated publication of Spreadable Media, and with it, our final batch of web exclusive essays:
Fear not, however! You can still find all of the Spreadable Media web essays here. The book is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, NYU Press—and the electronic edition is also available now on your favorite reading device (Kindle, Nook, Sony, etc).
Feel free to share your thoughts on the essays, or the book, in any of the comments sections. Happy reading!
Monday, January 14, 2013 5:30
Check out the latest web exclusive Spreadable Media essays:
Stay tuned as we release more essays each week!
Monday, January 7, 2013 4:19
Check out the latest web exclusive Spreadable Media essays:
Stay tuned as we release more essays each week!
Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:24
Sam Ford was interviewed for a piece on the Council of PR Firms’ blog, Firm Voice, about what goes wrong when companies try to “go viral” (—and how to tastefully get them to spread your message).
Check out the INTERVIEW here.
Monday, December 17, 2012 3:54
Check out the latest web exclusive Spreadable Media essays:
Stay tuned as we release more essays each week!
Monday, December 10, 2012 3:34

Check out the latest web exclusive Spreadable Media essays:
Stay tuned as we release more essays each week!
Monday, December 3, 2012 3:29
Check out the latest web exclusive Spreadable Media essays:
Stay tuned as we release more essays each week!
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